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Import and Export options

Only Systems Configuration:
Event Arc
This defines the archiver type to use when archiving the reply package. The default is the archiver defined in the system type, and you normally don't have to change it.
Script Flags
If a system type is supported with a script, all or some of these flags will be available.
Get Newfiles
Request a list of new files from the remote system.
Auto DL Private
Automatically download files uploaded private to you.
Auto Log Off
Automatically log off after the script session has ended.
Get Bulletins
Automatically collect updated bulletins since you last logon.
Ansi Menus
Configure the remote system to use ANSI menus.
Use Colors
Configure the remote system to display colors while you are online.
Add users
If this gadget is checked, all users that receive or send messages will be added to the user database. If this gadget is NOT checked, only users in mail conferences will be added. On Internet type of systems, this option will only add users in email when it is selected. You should not use this option on systems with a lot of users, e.g. Internet news and Fidonet. Parsing will be slower if the user database is large.
7-bit Mail
This option applies on system types where email is sent using the Internet. Selecting this option will make sure all email is sent as 7-bit, in compliance with RFC 822. If the mail contains 8-bit characters, the mail will be encoded using MIME quoted-printable encoding.
Systems and Conference Configuration:
All messages in the message database is kept in ISO character set. The messages in converted from the default charset to ISO when imported. By setting this option to something else than "Default", you can select what charset the messages is to be converted from. Usually, the default setting will be correct.
Xpk Method
This is the Xpk method that will be used when packing messages, e.g. "NUKE" or "RAKE". The cycle gadget to the right can be set to use this setting, don't use Xpk on this system/conference or to use the global settings (default).
Show Own Msgs
If this option is checked, messages written by you are marked as unread when imported into the database.
Line Length
By setting the contents of this integer gadget to something else than 0, you can define a custom line length to use when replying to messages. The default setting is 0, in which case the the system default will be used.
Reflow Text
By checking this option, reformatting text when replying to a message is on as default. Even if this option is on, reflow can still be turned off when replying to a message.
This cycle gadget defines what type of quoting to apply to messages you reply to. Six different types are supported:
Use Global
This will use the quote type defined in the system type (or the system quoting if started from the Conference Configuration).
This will put a ">" in front of all quoted lines.
No quoting will be applied to the message.
Will put a ">" in front of all lines and puts an extra space after the ">" on lines which has not been quoted before. Readability will be higher and it looks better.
Lets you enter your own character(s) to put before lines which are quoted in the string gadget to the right.
Messages will be quoted with the initials of the person that wrote the message replied to. If "Petter Nilsen" wrote a message your are replying to, "PN|" will be put in front of all quoted lines. This is commonly used on BBSes and should not be used on the Internet.
Reply String
This string will be added at the top of the message when you reply. It may contain several codes that is replaced with various information:
  %S        -   Subject
  %A        -   Sender address
  %N        -   Sender full name
  %F        -   Sender first name
  %L        -   Sender last name
  %R        -   Reciever address
  %E        -   Receiver name
  %C        -   Conference
  %I        -   MsgID
  %O        -   Original messagenr on remote system
  %D        -   Date

NOTE: Not all fields are available on all systems. If a field is not available, it will be left empty. A cycle gadget here may be used to tell THOR when to add a reply string:
Use Global
The globally defined setting for reply string will be used on this system/conference (default).
Only if moved
The reply string will only be used if the message in not replyed to in the same conference or to the same user.
The reply string will always be used when making a reply.
Don't use
Don't use any reply string on this system at all.

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